Roozbeh Jafari ( is the Tim and Amy Leach Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering at Texas A&M University. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from UCLA and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at UC-Berkeley. His research interest lies in the area of wearable computer design and signal processing. He has raised more than $87M for research with $28M directed towards his lab. His research has been funded by the NSF, NIH, DoD (TATRC, DTRA, DIU), AFRL, AFOSR, DARPA, SRC and industry (Texas Instruments, Tektronix, Samsung & Telecom Italia). He has published over 180 papers in refereed journals and conferences. He has served as the general chair and technical program committee chair for several flagship conferences in the area of Wearable Computers. Dr. Jafari is the recipient of the NSF CAREER award (2012), IEEE Real-Time & Embedded Technology & Applications Symposium best paper award (2011), Andrew P. Sage best transactions paper award (2014), ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems best paper award (2019), and the outstanding engineering contribution award from the College of Engineering at Texas A&M (2019). He was named Texas A&M Presidential Impact Fellow (2019). He is an associate editor for the IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, IEEE Sensors Journal, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics and ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare. He serves on scientific panels for funding agencies frequently and is presently serving as a standing member of the NIH Biomedical Computing and Health Informatics study section and the chair of the Clinical Informatics and Digital Health study section.
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