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WiSE Keynote

Elisabetta Comini

SENSOR Laboratory, Department of Information Engineering (DII), University of Brescia

Elisabetta Comini received her degree in physics at the University of Pisa in 1996. She received her Ph.D. degree in material science at the University of Brescia in 2000. In 2001 she has been appointed assistant professor of physics of matter at Brescia University. In 2016 she became full professor. She has been organizer of several symposia in the sensing field for MRS and E-MRS. She was chair of MRS fall meeting 2013. She has a high productivity confirmed by the numerous publications on international journals (more than 400) and the high number of invited presentations at conferences. EC is a researcher specialist in the growth of metal oxides, particularly nanowires, thin films and the measurement of their electronic, functional and structural properties. EC is the director of SENSOR laboratory (Brescia University, and is a co-founder of NASYS.

Her Hirsch index (h-index) is 57 (Web of Science), 60 (Scopus), 68 (Google scholar).

Environmental Monitoring Via Metal Oxides Nanostructures Chemical Sensors
Day by day environmental monitoring is getting more and more essential due to the continuous rise in human activities especially in the direction of industrial and technological developments. With these developments, the demand of highly efficient sensing device is also rising. In this talk, I am presenting metal oxides nanostructures (nanowires, nanotubes, surface functionalized nanowires and heterostructures) for environmental monitoring. To develop these nanostructures, different growth and characterization techniques were used. Finally, the sensing response of these nanostructures were examined under different gas analytes. Strategies to improve sensitivity and selectivity of metal oxide chemical sensors were applied. For example, selectivity of ZnO nanowires toward acetone were improved after functionalizing with APTES monolayers.

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